"Dream" and "Mark" © 2009/2010 Dreamstar

Those two mean SOOO much to me. Thank-you.

Dream- MY LIFE! It represents me, and forever will.
Mark-MY UNCLE! He died in 2007, and I miss him greatly. This name is dedicated to him, because his name was Mark.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapter Nine

Dreampaw scored her claws against the ground. She sighed. Dreampaw stretched, then went to see where Skypaw, Eaglepaw or Cloudpaw were. She looked around. Of course they aren't in camp! Dreampaw growled. Miststar had been very busy the past few suns talking to Wolf-feather, Robinstep and Sandpelt. Dreampaw saw Moonstorm, Smokeflower and Rainblossom talking outside the warriors den. They had become warriors four moons ago. She was now 12 moons with Skypaw and Eaglepaw. Cloudpaw was 14 moons. Dreampaw's head whipped around to see Miststar calling her.

"Dreampaw, go get Skypaw, Eaglepaw and Cloudpaw! Come on, before it starts raining again!"

Dreampaw nodded. Her fur was plastered to her skin, but she bolted out of the camp anyways. The leaves were dripping water, and making the whole clan's day miserable. LakeClan cats love water, but being drenched in it for more then 7 sunrises, was enough. Dreampaw sighed. All scents would be washed away, she would have to use sight and hearing. She knew Cloudpaw, Sandpelt, Skypaw and Wolf-feather were in the Training Hollow, so she decided to get Eaglepaw and Robinstep first. She had heard them saying they were going hunting by the MarshClan border. Dreampaw saw them in the distance and yowled to get their attention. She smiled as she beckoned Robinstep and Eaglepaw to go back to camp. Then, Dreampaw bolted off to the Training Hollow.

She was shivering by the time she got there. It had started to drizzle again, and she was feeling horrible. A cough started to form in her chest, and she had to fight to stop herself from falling. She padded into the Training  Hollow. Sandpelt was yowling that they would head back to camp before the weather got any worse.

"Hey, Miststar wanted all of you. She said it was-"

Dreampaw was cut short by a wave of coughs. She sputtered, embaressed. Sandpelt nodded.

"Let's go back to camp, and before that cough gets any worse."

Dreampaw followed the warriors and her friends back to camp.


Dreampaw sat under the LakeRock, trying to hold back her coughs. Immediately when they had all padded into camp, Miststar had called a clan meeting. Dreampaw looked at Miststar confused at first, then she realized what was happening.

"I, Miststar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Skypaw, Eaglepaw, Cloudpaw and Dreampaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life? [ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Skypaw, from this moment you shall be known as Skyblade! StarClan honors your strength!

Eaglepaw, from this moment you shall be known as Eagleheart! StarClan honors your courage!

Cloudrpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Cloudriver! StarClan honors your passion!

Dreampaw, from this moment you shall be known as Dreamriver! StarClan honors your love!"

Miststar rested her head on all the new warriors head, and they licked her shoulder.

"Now, you will all have to keep a silent vigil tonight, to think about what it means to be a warrior!"

Then, the clan broke out in cheers.

"Skyblade! Skyblade! Eagleheart! Eagleheart! Cloudriver! Cloudriver! Dreamriver! Dreamriver!"

Dreamriver smiled over at Skyblade. They had finally done it! They. Were. Warriors!!! Cloudriver's eyes were shining, but he didn't dare speak. The sun started to go down, and the clan went to their nests for a good nights sleep. Moonlily and Watercloud padded over to them.

"Congratulations! It's so great to see you all as warriors!"

Moonlily purred happily. Watercloud nodded approval.

"All excellent names. You will al be great warriors. Now, we shall leave you."

Watercloud smiled. Sageleaf, Sunriver, Spottednight and Wolf-feather also came over to congratulate them all.Through it all, they stayed silent. Many thoughts raced through Dreamriver's mind. But mostly the idea of being a warrior: with Cloudriver. She smiled at the thought, and settled down for the long  night ahead.

(Sorry for the shortness, I promise next chapter WILL be longer! :) Also, next post shall have Honeystripe's kits birth. Sorry, I WAS gonna do it here, but then I just realized that I hadn't.... and now I don't know how to put it in. But dont worry, it won't skip ahead four moons like it  just did. :) I'll be sure to right the next chapter SOON! :D )

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