"Dream" and "Mark" © 2009/2010 Dreamstar

Those two mean SOOO much to me. Thank-you.

Dream- MY LIFE! It represents me, and forever will.
Mark-MY UNCLE! He died in 2007, and I miss him greatly. This name is dedicated to him, because his name was Mark.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chapter Seven

Dreampaw's eyes widened as she looked at the wide gaping mouth of the cave. Dreampaw saw Miststar smile at Dreampaw, and sit down.

"This, is the MoonCave. Medicine Cats and Leader's come here to speak with StarClan. I came, to speak with StarClan. Watch what I do."

Dreampaw and Eaglepaw nodded excitedly, and waited with Sandpelt and Robinstep. Miststar looked into a small stream running in front of the cave's entrance. She seemed to be looking for something. Then her paw darted into the river, and when it came back out, there was a small pebble sitting on her pad. The pebble was dull, and dark.

Dreampaw tilted her head, and watched as Miststar delicately picked the pebble up in her mouth and leap over the stream into the cave. Sandpelt leaned over and whispered to the two apprentices.

"That's a MoonPebble. Each time the moon comes up, there is only one pebble a medicine cat or leader can take. And that the is one that reflects the moon's rays."

Dreampaw looked at Sandpelt.

"Only one? Then what do the other medicine cat's use?"

Sandpelt chuckled softly.

"No, each cat can only see one pebble reflecting the light. To other cats eyes, the MoonPebble one cat picks, is dull, and dark. As we just saw there. Go look into the stream and tell me if you see any. Then point to it, and I'll come see."

Dreampaw nodded and bent over the stream. There were hundreds of pebbles, but somehow there was enough room for them all. Then, a soft glint caught her eye, and she looked over to see a small pebble brightly reflecting the moon's light. Dreampaw pointed at the pebble, and saw Sandpelt look at it.

"It looks just like the rest of the pebble's, but to you, it is glowing. Right?"

Dreampaw nodded and saw Robinstep and Eaglepaw leap over the stream and into the cave.

"Are we going in too?"

Sandpelt nodded and followed Robinstep and Eaglepaw.


Dreampaw looked around in awe. The cave was even bigger then it had looked outside! In the middle, there was a small slope, almost reaching the top of the cave. At the top, there was an opening, where the moon's light filtered through. Dreampaw saw Miststar at the top of the slope, looking through the roof, waiting for the moon to reach it's highest point, the pebble still in her mouth.

Dreampaw then saw Miststar lightly drop the pebble into the stream. Miststar lied down, and dipped her paw in the stream. Dreampaw thought for a moment, then thought that she must have placed her paw over the pebble. Dreampaw watched as Miststar closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Dreampaw looked to see Robinstep and Eaglepaw talking softly, obviously Robinstep was telling her stuff about the MoonCave. Dreampaw shuffled her paws nervously. Her mentor was talking to StarClan, and Sandpelt was doing something else. Dreampaw tucked her paws under herself, and closed her eyes.


Dreampaw's eyes shot open. She heard claws scrabbling on rocks. She looked to where Miststar was, to see her racing down the slope, breathing heavily, her eyes wild with fear. Dreampaw scrambled up and ran to Miststar who was panting at the bottom of the slope.

"What's wrong!?"

Miststar just shook her head.

"N-nothing. Just saw some stuff I didn't really want to see."

Miststar shook her head again.

"Come on. Let's head back. The clan might start getting worried."

Sandpelt, Robinstep, Eaglepaw and Dreampaw nodded hesitantly. Looking at each other, wondering what might have happened.

The followed Miststar out, and started to go back home.

1 comment:

  1. Dawnblaze (too lazy to log in)March 6, 2010 at 10:19 PM

    Go, Dreamy, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRITE! WRITE! WRITE!!!!
